Thursday, May 31, 2012

Summer's On the Way

Every season is unique, and although the calm days of winter are ending, they are being rapidly replaced with the energetic and dynamic days of summer.  It has been so hot lately, it feels like we have leap frogged over spring and right into summer.  With the warming air I continue to fly virtually every flyable day.  It seems every month we continue as a group to log dozens of mountain flights.  The shorter flights of early spring are now being replaced by flights where both duration and altitudes continue to increase in the thermic air.  I have been flying many of our standard hike-n-fly sites, as well as the majority of the sites along the Wasatch.  I have also been spending more time at home flying The B is which is a welcomed change.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Wasatch Free Flight

In an effort to give back to the sport I love so much, I have created the "Wasatch Free Flight Group." A place where new pilots can learn about new paragliding sites away from The Point of the Mountain.

I have put this together in hopes of connecting newer pilots with 'mentor' type pilots familiar with flying different mountain sites. I hope you all find this site useful and are willing to become a part of it. In order for this to work, we need pilots (P3+) who are willing to become mentors at their home sites! I think/hope it will help us all become better, safer pilots, and help grow this amazing sport in a positive direction. If nothing else, it may just be a resource to check the weather.....something I get asked about a lot. Please share this with ALL your other pilot friends.