Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Teton Dream?

I am exhausted as I watch the yellow dotted lines flicker passed out the window.  I am returning from a busy 7 days of flying.  Randolph, Southern California, home sites, now another quick paragliding trip to Jackson Hole.  Ever since I have started flying I have always wanted to fly here, and with the season at Jackson rapidly coming to a close, Paul and I just have to run up and get in a quick flight.  Of course we had to stop in Randolph, Utah for another awesome evening flight...all the way to dark (twice this week).  We arrived in Jackson and are sleeping in the gravel by the truck in a safe place, so we think.  People wandering the middle of the night, drug deals, bullets being chambered, all the while I curl up in my bag under my truck searching for my happy place; it makes for a very unrestful night.

I should have known that today was going to be bad, based on last nights events, but the excitement of the somewhat clear/smoky skies and lack of wind make me smile.  We scramble to Teton Village and then the fun begins.  My mother always taught me that if I didn't have anything nice to say, to not say anything at all.  With that in mind, this post will be relatively short.  Paragliding in Jackson Hole was unfortunately not the dream I had hoped for.  The people/pilots were less than, friendly, professional, or even cordial for that matter.  If you plan on flying there...just be cautious.  Especially if you are an advanced pilot and do not need a guide or your nose wiped.  If you are a budding pilot and want/need a guide, then I think the experience would probably be much better, as money often talks.  I know there are some nice, fun, friendly local pilots who fly there, but unfortunately none were present today.  I do not see myself flying there again anytime soon, nor recommending any of my pilot friends visit either.  Once the feet left the ground, it was beautiful with the autumn colors, and to be flying with my buddy Paul, who always makes it entertaining, especially when getting ridiculed by the local pilots.

Paragliding is a wonderful sport, trying so hard to grow and gain acceptance here in the U.S.  Perhaps one day we will be more like Europe, where arms are wide open to pilots no matter where you go (for the most part).  At least that is how I roll.  Any pilot who has traveled to Utah to fly, I am more than willing and excited to help show them the sites...even for free!  What started as a Teton dream unfortunately turned in to a restless sleep.

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