Paul, Mark and I continue to hike...regardless of snow, or sun. It is a great opportunity for us to hike and fly, not only the standard launches, but offers a great excuse to explore new launches along the Wasatch we have been eyeing now for some time. I am thankful for great friends who are just as passionate about flying as I am. Thankful they are always willing and excited to get out and hike, no matter if the ground is white or brown.
On a standard routine flight off Grandeur, we all three swoop into the landing zone, all smiles. My eight year old daughter walks up to me and says "Dad, I think you guys should be called the DEAF Crew." Not sure what she meant, so she proceeded to explain it to me, and what it meant. It is often said that from the mouth of babes comes wisdom, and my daughter is very creative. What does it mean? Well, that may just have to be saved for a later date :o)